Publications & Reports
Through research and by exploring practices and policies that work and identifying those that don’t, we aim to provide the information and tools necessary to improve and maximize the educational experience for all students, TK through college.
Our publications are diverse and intended for advocates, policymakers, educators, and even parents.
Equitable access to early education is critical to improving long-term educational outcomes for students, especially those from under-resourced communities. At EdTrust-West, we work to uncover the layers of inequities in transitional kindergarten, from inequitable access to high-quality programs, to wage disparities for educators, and disproportionate discipline for young Black children. We are committed to ensuring equitable access to high-quality early learning opportunities, with focus on improving access to transitional kindergarten programs.
K-12 Education
At EdTrust-West, our work centers on identifying disparities within the K-12 education system, developing research-based policy and practice proposals to address these disparities, and advocating for evidence-based and innovative approaches and solutions. We’re committed to promoting equitable funding, improving educational standards and cultural relevance, strengthening supports for multilingual learners, and ensuring more students from marginalized communities are graduating from high school ready to enter the workforce or pursue higher education.
Higher Education
Higher education has never been more critical to economic opportunity and mobility, and our state’s colleges and universities at all levels can do much more to retain and graduate students from marginalized backgrounds. EdTrust-West is dedicated to eradicating barriers faced by students of color in higher education – ensuring equitable access to financial aid, expanding dual enrollment opportunities for Black, Latinx, and Native students, and addressing the racial inequities in remedial education.
English learners
English learners (also known as multilingual learners or emergent bilinguals) make up nearly one in five students in California public schools. Providing multilingual learners with the supports they need to develop English language skills and academic proficiency — while celebrating the cultural and linguistic assets they bring to school — is critical for ensuring equitable access and success. We’re working to develop research-based recommendations and tools that education systems can implement to support these learners — from early education through the college pipeline — and help cultivate their future success.