Strengthening Education Systems to Advance Equity

Equity in education is a cornerstone of societal progress, ensuring that every student, irrespective of their background, has a fair chance at academic success and future opportunities. To truly advance equity, we must strengthen the systems that shape our educational landscape, from the earliest learning stages to higher education.

What We We're Working On

Enhancing Early Learning with Transitional Kindergarten

Recognizing the significance of early education, we advocate for the comprehensive roll-out of the state’s Universal Transitional Kindergarten. Broad and equitable access to high-quality transitional kindergarten ensures a solid foundation for our youngest learners as they embark on their educational journey.

State Data System

The Cradle-to-Career (C2C) Data System can provide advocates and stakeholders with a more comprehensive view of a student’s educational journey. By integrating TK-12 and Higher Ed data, we can identify gaps, challenges, and opportunities, ensuring that strategies are data-driven and focused on achieving equity.

Multilingual Learner Advocacy

We are steadfast in our commitment to multilingual learners, advocating for policies that support robust language acquisition from Transitional Kindergarten through higher education in California schools. By valuing the rich cultural and linguistic diversity of English learners, California schools can foster an educational environment that celebrates and nurtures multilingualism. This commitment to dual-language proficiency ensures students are equipped for both academic success and a competitive edge in the global workforce, recognizing the cognitive and cultural benefits that come with being multilingual. Our efforts ensure learners receive the necessary support to thrive in an interconnected world, academically, socially, and professionally.

Advancing Race-Conscious Policymaking in Education

Our focus on race-conscious policymaking underscores the need for intentional strategies that dismantle educational inequities. By advocating for policies that acknowledge and address the racial disparities in education, we aim to create more equitable and inclusive classrooms that empower all students, particularly those from historically marginalized communities.

Improving Accountability Systems 

We are working to reshape accountability systems within TK-12 and higher education landscapes to better reflect the diverse needs of students and actual educational outcomes. Our vision is for accountability measures that encompass not only academic proficiency but also the holistic development of students, preparing them for the challenges of the future with a well-rounded educational experience.

By the Numbers

Only 16% of Black four-year-olds are enrolled in California Transitional Kindergarten (TK) classrooms.
As of November 1, 2023, the C2C data system integrated over a billion data points into the statewide longitudinal data system.


Over the course of 2020 and 2021, at over 100 public meetings, more than 200 people from 15 state agencies and many educational institutions, research and policy organizations, and community groups worked together to design a blueprint for the California Cradle-to-Career Data System.


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