OAKLAND, CA (October, 13, 2009) “The EdTrust—West applauds Governor Schwarzenegger for signing Senate Bill 19 (Simitian), thus making California eligible to compete in the Race to the Top Grant.
SB 19 eliminates the state’s legal barrier against linking student achievement data to teachers for the purposes of evaluation. Race to the Top—a competitive grant worth $4.35 billion to be split among a select number of states who meet federal guidelines—requires states to have no legal barrier between student and teacher data if they want to apply for these critical funds.
The signing of SB 19 means the Governor is serious about California aggressively competing for every available stimulus dollar. This is good news for California’s students. And yet, SB 19 is just the beginning.
California has a long road ahead in order to assure that we are attractive for federal funding. Indeed, now that the foundation has been laid, it is time for state policymakers to build an application reflective of our passion and commitment to educate all students to the highest levels and prepare every single one of them for college and career.
Additionally, The EdTrust—West thanks Senator Simitian for spearheading SB 19 and working swiftly and tirelessly to ensure California has a shot at the Race to the Top. ”
Linda Murray, Acting Executive Director
The EdTrust—West