Learner Advocacy

Language is central to identity, an important reflection of students’ heritage and cultural backgrounds. Language is also important as an academic tool across all disciplines, because it is the means by which students learn.

English learners (also known as multilingual learners or emergent bilinguals) make up nearly one in five students in California public schools. Providing multilingual learners with the supports they need to develop English language skills and academic proficiency — while celebrating the cultural and linguistic assets they bring to school — is critical for ensuring equitable access and success for our English learners.

That’s why we’re working to develop research-based recommendations and tools that education systems can implement to support these learners — from early education through the college pipeline — and help cultivate their future success.

Language is central to identity, an important reflection of students’ heritage and cultural backgrounds. Language is also important as an academic tool across all disciplines, because it is the means by which students learn.

English learners (also known as multilingual learners or emergent bilinguals) make up nearly one in five students in California public schools. Providing multilingual learners with the supports they need to develop English language skills and academic proficiency — while celebrating the cultural and linguistic assets they bring to school — is critical for ensuring equitable access and success for our English learners.

That’s why we’re working to develop research-based recommendations and tools that education systems can implement to support these learners — from early education through the college pipeline — and help cultivate their future success.

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