Ensuring California’s Education Funding is Increased and Distributed Equitably

At The EdTrust-West, we’re focused on championing equitable state funding for education, spanning transitional kindergarten to higher education. We believe that our lawmakers and institutions must strategically allocate the state’s resources to effectively serve specific student populations and comprehensively address the diverse needs of California’s students.

California needs targeted funding mechanisms to support students of color, especially those in poverty. Beyond just the broad distribution of funds, we’re dedicated to promoting transparency and fairness between and within districts. Every school must be equipped with equitable resources, fostering an environment where every Californian student has the opportunity to excel.

What We We're Working On

Advocating for Increased State Funding for Education

In a rapidly changing educational landscape, California’s schools, community colleges, and public higher education institutions are crucial pillars that support the state’s vibrant economy and diverse population. As one of the world’s largest economies, California’s prosperity should directly translate to investments in its future – our students. We champion a comprehensive state education budget that reflects this commitment, especially to the needs of our students of color and those living in poverty, across all educational stages. It’s imperative that we leverage our state’s economic strength to ensure every educational level receives the equitable funding it deserves.

Advocating for K-12 Funding Equity

We work to advance K-12 funding equity, explicitly focusing on students of color, especially those living in poverty, in California’s diverse education landscape. California allocates most K-12 education funding through the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). Within this framework, we advocate for equitable funding allocation and improvements, particularly by enhancing transparency and accountability in spending. We also prioritize increased focus and investment in our Black students, whom the LCFF does not adequately serve.

By the Numbers

“The state budget provides most of the funds that are used to educate California’s 6.2 million K-12 students.”
“Between 2012 and 2022, the highest-need districts increased spending by about $10,000 per student while the lowest-need districts increased per-student spending by roughly $6,500.”
“A recent report from Public Advocates and ACLU of Southern California found that most districts met statutory engagement requirements, but in 85% of LCAPs they analyzed, community members expressed dissatisfaction with the accessibility of district engagement efforts.”

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